Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spanish I classwork for Friday, March 30

Please complete the following:
Remember to have fun, but also take this work seriously!
2. Watch a movie trailer in Spanish (there are 300 trailers) - You can share headphones with a friend.
3. Create a blog post with:
a. a link to your trailer
b. a photo of your movie
c. a list of any words you understood during the trailer (you can listen/watch multiple times)
d. Write a paragraph: "(No) Me gusta el trailer porque..." Try to write as much as you can in Spanish, using the dictionary but avoiding translators!
4. Visita: & read about your favorite sport/team in Spanish. Look for cognates as you read (there will be a lot of new words, but try to get the main idea of the article!).

5. Finally, go to 

Watch one news story and see if you're able to understand the main idea of the story.

Extra: Watch a TV show on !

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